There are many benefits of meditation. But to start with, let’s look at the 5 important benefits that you can gain from meditating regularly for just 10 - 15 minutes daily.
1. Improved Mental Health: In this fast-paced world, life is full of stress. You have to deal with stress at work, stress at home, and then there’s additional stress related to relationships, finances, health - yours and your loved ones - which has multiplied manifold due to the pandemic. All this stress not only affects you physically but also mentally. Constant mental stress leads to other health issues such as fatigue, sadness, anxiety, mood swings, overeating, and addiction to unsavory sources of comfort such as smoking, alcohol, and junk food.
Meditation helps calm your mind and it increases mindfulness. When you are calm, alert, and aware of your surroundings and environment, you are better placed to deal with the stress. It helps you understand and process your stress. You are able to think through your thoughts, process the negative emotions and let them go. Once you have done this, your mind is clear to find solutions. Even scientific studies back up this benefit of meditation. According to studies, meditation can help you manage your stress, let go of addictions, and lead a more aware and healthy life.
2. Improved Emotional Health: Your emotional health can take a beating due to constant stress, poor physical health, chronic or long-term illnesses of loved ones, grief, loneliness, abuse or other traumatic experiences, and any kind of incident that may affect your social standing. Poor emotional health or unstable emotions can cause outbursts, make you easily irritable, impatient, and aggressive. If not managed in time or properly, these emotional outbursts can create issues in your personal and professional life. People may avoid your company and you may lose important projects and promotions at work.
Regular meditation helps you understand and process your emotions - especially negative emotions such as anger, grief, shame, loss, jealousy, guilt, low self-esteem, apathy, desire, and ego. It also helps you imbibe positive traits such as kindness, gentleness, thoughtfulness, gratitude, joy, and contentment. When your emotions are in balance, you are able to deal with stress or any negative situation without losing your temper and with a clear and calm head.
3. Improved Physical Health: When your mental health and emotional health is in control, your physical health will also benefit. For example, no stress or low stress and stable emotions will help manage your blood sugar and diabetes. If you are feeling happy and content and stress free, you are likely to avoid overeating or indulging in junk food, thus leading to better weight management. When you are calm, content, and stress free you also tend to get better sleep. Good sleep at night leaves you feeling fresh, alert, and happy in the morning.
While meditation cannot cure chronic illnesses, it may help you deal with the pain induced by long-term diseases and manage the negativity resulting from the health concern. However, if you are suffering from a chronic illness or a critical health concern, check with your doctor if and how you can include meditation in your daily regime before you start to practice it.
4. Makes you alert: A dull mind, confusion, and poor concentration can create innumerable issues in both your personal and professional life. You could forget to turn off the stove at home, take or give the wrong medication, leave out an important detail in a work-email, or not be able to comprehend the task given to you correctly or quickly enough. All of these things can cause problems and even lead to a bigger loss. Regular meditation clears your mind. A clear mind is alert and focused. You are able to think clearly and respond to situations in an apt manner.
5. Helps Slow Down Memory Loss: As we age, we tend to become more forgetful and miss out on important details or dates. Sometimes, due to constant stress we tend to forget things or our memory becomes hazy. Continuing from the previous point, regular meditation in addition to making you alert also helps in slowing down memory loss due to old age or stress.